1:16 The Bible says God created 2 lights, one to rule the day and the other to rule the night. The moon is not a light.
2:9 Where did evil come from? Did it already exist? Why did God include it in his creation?
2:18 Were there already male and female animals? Why didn't God automatically create a male and female version of human beings?
3:1 Is the serpent a test or the Devil? Where did Satan come from? I thought God created everything. A little background before the creation probably would have been helpful.
3:9 Seriously? Does God really not know where Adam and Eve are or that they ate from the tree? Isn't he the All Knowing God?
4:3-14 Cain sounds like a spoiled brat or a sociopath.
4:14 Where did these other people come from?
5:5 930 years old?
6:1-4 Sons of God with daughters of man? Gods angels are getting dirty with human girls? Come on God, keep those angels in check.
6:5 Everyone turned evil?
6:7 Sounds like God just took back the whole subdue the earth deal.
7 This is one massive boat! The designers of the Titanic probably could have used a few tips from Noah.
7:2 Seven pairs of each animal? I though it was one male and one female, the whole 2 by 2 thing. This is really going to ruin the mind boggler about blue black frogs I use to kill time teaching kids.
7:13 Noah is 600 years old when he gets on the boat with his family and there are no grandkids?
7:24 This is all much longer than 40 days and 40 nights. 377 days total on the Ark!
8:13 What is 600th and 1st year referring to?
8:21 Is man still evil? If so, what was accomplished?
9:6 Did God just sanction Capitol Punishment?
9:22 Noah is a drunk? What did his son Ham exactly do to deserve his son being cursed?
What happened to limiting the number of years man would live (6:3)? These people are still living to be 900.
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